When you make your living working in health care in Oklahoma and also are a member of the LGBTQ+ community, you face a higher risk of experiencing workplace discrimination than many of your peers and colleagues. The same holds true if you are currently continuing your education to become a health care worker. Research shows that LGBTQ+ surgical residents frequently face adverse treatment while studying or working. It also suggests that the discrimination may LGBTQ+ workers face leaves them reeling emotionally.
Per Physician’s Weekly, a recent study revealed that surgical residents who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning face such high rates of discrimination that many victims of it are considering leaving their professions.
What LGBTQ+ residents face in the workplace
Research shows that members of the LGBTQ+ and health care communities face discrimination and harassment on a daily basis. If you are part of this community, you may face frequent workplace bullying. You may, too, experience higher rates of sexual harassment than others in your line of work who are not members of the LGBTQ+ community.
How discrimination and adverse treatment affects LGBTQ+ workers
There is a clear link between LGBTQ+ residents facing discrimination and those residents experiencing burnout. In fact, LGBTQ+ workers are eight times more likely than their peers to experience burnout that is serious enough to make them ponder leaving their positions. While discrimination often makes residents want to leave their residency programs, it also increases the risk of suicide for members of the LGBTQ+ community.
As an LGBTQ+ worker or resident, you have certain protections in place in the event that you fall victim to workplace discrimination.