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Preparing for your doctor visit can increase your safety

Visiting the doctor might not seem like a big deal and like something that does not require much preparation. However, too lax of an attitude could interfere with your ability to effectively advocate for your needs.

Switching to a mindset where you treat your doctor visit like a job interview in terms of preparation can make a considerable difference in your safety. Armed with confidence and an educated perspective, you can actively participate in your health care.

Review your medical history

Your medical history will provide critical information to your health care provider. A compilation of your genetic history combined with any illnesses or episodes you formerly experienced can help your doctor make informed decisions about how to safely treat you. You should also include information about the medications you take.

Compile a list of questions

Prior to visiting your doctor, research your symptoms. Know some of the conditions your symptoms could indicate. Assess your body’s response to various symptoms. Write down any questions you have as you think of them. According to, you can also bring another person with you to the doctor. This individual can hear what your health care provider has to say about your condition and help you retain information.

Develop a strong relationship

Recognize the importance of developing a strong relationship with your doctor. If you ever feel uncomfortable or mistreated, look for someone else who will treat you with patience and compassion. A medical provider who takes adequate time to meet with you and discuss the most optimal treatment plan based on your needs is the type of professional you want to care for you.

Your diligence in preparing for your visit to the doctor could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your time there. Together as a team with your doctor, you can protect your health and stay safe from malpractice.